Empowering You Through Life Stages and Transitions

We're dedicated to helping you develop life skills and confidently navigate the various stages of your life.

Understanding NDIS Capacity Building 

NDIS Capacity Building is a fundamental aspect of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) aimed at enhancing your skills, knowledge, and overall independence if you have a disability. It focuses on providing tailored support in areas like employment, education, social participation, and improving daily living skills. By investing in personalised capacity-building activities, NDIS aims to empower you to reach your goals, enjoy greater independence, and engage more actively in your community.

Our Capacity Building supports are delivered under the following NDIS service categories:

Assist, Support & Coordinate Life Stages / Transitions

Interpreter Translate

Development of Life Skills

 Examples of Capacity Building Supports

Assistance with planning and decision-making processes related to your personal goals.

Support in learning essential life skills such as money management, new technologies or public transportation navigation.

Coordination of life transitions like moving out of home or entering further education.

Access to interpreter and translation services ensuring clear communication regardless of language barriers.

Assistance in building positive social connections within the community.

Support with managing daily routines like shopping, meal preparation, or medication management.

 Learning how to manage emotions, stress, and develop coping strategies for challenging situations.

Assistive technology training - using tools that can enhance everyday living and improve independence.

Skills development to increase employability and work-readiness.

Support with integrating into community groups or recreational activities that align with your talents and interests.

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